Page 22 - PresidentReport2024Portrait
P. 22

Remembering Hayim, Uriel,
  Yitzhak, Ido, Michael, and Hanan

                               Dr. Hayim Katsman, z"l, a Lecturer in the Department of Politics and
                               Communication, was murdered by Hamas terrorists at his home in Kibbutz
                               Holit. In light of a special campaign to raise funds to honor Hayim, the College
                               granted scholarships to three students in the Department who are preparing
                               special projects in his memory. On December 7th, HAC held a special event in
                               Hayim's memory, attended by colleagues, family, and friends.

                               Uriel Bibi, z"l, was slated to begin a degree program in Medical Laboratory
                               Science at HAC, but was shot and killed on October 7th in a shoot-out with
                               terrorists on his way to Kibbutz Be’eri. Uriel, age 30 and the father of two,
                               was an officer in the Paratroopers Brigade. In 2021, he received an award of
                               excellence from the Chief of Staff of the IDF. Uriel graduated from the Midreshet
                               Noam High School, completed a course in first aid, and was a volunteer with
                               Magen David Adom.

                               Yitzhak Levy, z"l, a graduate of HAC’s pre-academic program, was murdered
                               by terrorists who attacked the Nova music festival at Kibbutz Re'im. His friends
                               describe him as “a talented guy, and a good friend who was loved by all.”

                               Ido Rosenthal, z"l, (Staff Sergeant, res.), a talented photographer, was a
                               graduate of the Department of Photographic Communication, and a reservist
                               in Shaldag (one of the Air Force’s elite units), fell in the battle to save residents
                               of Kibbutz Alumim. He was 45 at the time of his death.

                               Michael Gal, z"l, (Sergeant Major, res.), a second-year student of Management
                               at HAC, fell in combat in Southern Gaza on March 10th. Michael, who was 29
                               years old, was loved by all, and was a well-known figure in Jerusalem. His infantry
                               battalion was one of the first units to enter Gaza.

                               Hanan Drori, z”l, (First Sergeant, res.), was a third-year student of Biotechnology
                               at HAC, who died on February 7, 2024 from wounds sustained in combat in
                               northern Gaza on December 17, 2023. Hanan was 26. Dr. Danny Zeevi, Head
                               of the Department, spoke in his eulogy of how Hanan wanted to study in order
                               to develop new medical treatments and drugs. “You were a brilliant intellectual
                               light who made everyone around you better. You were loved by all, and your
                               death proves how much we need people like you.”

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