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Volunteering and other
War-Related Activities:

Under the auspices of the Ministry of Welfare and

Social Affairs, and mentored by faculty, second-
year students of Social Work oversaw volunteer
activities in senior living facilities across the country.

This helped to relieve the shortage of personnel

after many were called up for reserve duty.

Prof. Ariela Gordon-Shaag, Head of the Interdisciplinary      Dr. Chen Bram, Senior
                                                              Lecturer at HAC,
Faculty for Health, Science and Society, organized a group    volunteered by helping
of 50 women from her area to assist farmers. Dr. Tali         citizens formerly from
Hadasa Blank, Head of Innovation and Entrepreneurship,        the Caucasus who were
and Prof. Ann Saada-Reisch, Head of the M.Sc. program in      evacuated from towns
                                                              attacked by Hamas on
Medical Laboratory Science, also volunteered in agriculture.  October 7th. Activities
                                                              included raising funds to
                                                              equip a civil emergency
                                                              center in Sderot, and
                                                              providing 150 hot lunches.

       The Career Counseling      A YNET news report featuring war-related inventions
       Center team took part
       in an employment fair      and innovations included two by students in HAC’s DAN
       for evacuees organized     Department of Creative Human Design. Tomer Beisky
       by the Municipality of     created a stretcher for evacuating the wounded that ties at
       Jerusalem. They helped
       candidates prepare         the waist, allowing those carrying the stretcher to monitor
       resumes and referred them
       to potential employers.    and treat wounded soldiers and also shoot their guns
                                  simultaneously. Revaya Mor created Mylo (‘my location’),
22                                a phone application that helps children practice resilience in

                                  normal times, so they are better prepared for emergencies.
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