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At the beginning of the academic year, HAC         Prof. Avi Besser, Chair of HAC’s Department
    hosted the Czech Ambassador to Israel, The         of Communication Disorders, and a member of
    Honorable Veronika Kuchyňová Šmigolová             the Council for Higher Education, was appointed
    along with the Embassy’s Science, Research         Chairperson of the Higher Committee
    and Development Attaché, Mr. Lukas                 for the Appointment of Professors in the
    Pribyil. After a tour of the various departments,  Social Sciences, Management, and Law.
    accompanied by HAC leadership, President Prof.     This landmark appointment, the first of its

    Bertold Fridlender thanked the Ambassador          kind for a college representative (as opposed

    and Attaché for their interest and time, and       to university), testifies to Prof. Besser’s stellar

    expressed his belief that the visit would lead to  reputation and helps to strengthen the standing

    fruitful and creative collaborations.              of public colleges within the Council for Higher


    Margulies Family Names
    Department for the Development
    of Children With Special Needs

    HAC is thrilled to announce that our dedicated friends and supporters, Trisha and Fred Margulies,
    have made a generous commitment to name the Department for the Development of Children
    with Special Needs. This remarkable contribution will make a lasting impact on the College and
    this professional field in Israel. The newly named Department offers a groundbreaking M.A. degree
    program, the only one of its kind in Israel. The program was designed to train students for senior
    leadership roles in settings that provide treatment for children with special needs. By emphasizing a
    multidisciplinary approach, the program provides comprehensive training that incorporates principles
    from various clinical disciplines, special education, psychology, and social work.

    Program graduates will become qualified to manage the Child Development Institutes located in
    major Israeli hospitals, as well as various community-based programs that care for young children
    with significant developmental disabilities. We are deeply grateful to Trisha and Fred Margulies for
    their unwavering support and visionary leadership. Their commitment will empower future leaders
    in this field to make a meaningful difference in the lives of children with special needs and their
    families across Israel.

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