Page 10 - PresidentReport2024Portrait
P. 10

Do you have a message for your donors?

   I had the immense pleasure to collaborate with our wonderful donors, and I want to take
   this opportunity to thank them for their support and generosity. They are critical partners
   in achieving our academic and social goals; they help us to transform Israeli society, the
   City of Jerusalem, and the lives of our students.

   Though Tolo is looking forward to a well-deserved rest after seven decades of
   arduous work, HAC has other plans for him: he has already been asked to be
   involved in several initiatives at the College, including the “Tikun Olam Makers”
   program. So for now it is not “goodbye,” but rather, “see you soon.”

   Tolo is a mensch. He is smart and                   Tolo is exceptional in that he is both
   charismatic and sets high ethical                   an optimist at heart and a born
   standards. He is very pleasant to                   leader. He has advanced the College
   work with and, even though he                       through the joy of hard work. He
   is not the typical ‘Sabra,’ he is                   identifies the talents of individuals
   assertive and always knows exactly                  before they are even aware they
   what he wants to achieve.                           have these abilities themselves. He
                                                       has very sharp managerial instincts
                     Prof. Yoram Eden, Chair of        and is a cut above everyone else.
                     the Interdisciplinary Faculty of
                     Society and Community, and                           Dr. Simcha Rozen, Dean of
                     Chair of the Department of                           Academic Affairs
                     Economics and Accounting

   Tolo is a great partner from a personal and
   professional point of view. He’s generous, warm and
   caring. He is a humanitarian, and really sees people.
   Thanks to Tolo, HAC is more than just a place to
   work. Over the last 12 years, he has left his mark by
   making HAC a multidisciplinary institution and a safe
   multicultural zone. He himself is the embodiment
   of multiculturalism so it comes naturally to him.

   Eli Bahar, Chair of the Executive
   Committee of the Board of Trustees

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